Advanced Drains and Underground Solutions Blog

Tips to Prevent Clogs

Like many issues in the home, clogs can start small. However, if you leave them untreated, they can become massive headaches.

Clogs are not just inconvenient when you’re doing the dishes or cooking. They indicated blockages in your drain and can eventually cause overflows that can lead to water damage to your home.

Want to know the best ways to prevent clogs? Keep reading!

What Are Some Signs Your Drains Are Clogged?

You may think the answer is obvious. After all, if water is just sitting in your sink, you know you have a clog.

However, other more subtle signs give hints about the condition of your drain. If you ignore these warnings, the problem can get worse. Before you know it, you’ll have overflowing drains.

Are your drains:

  • Emitting foul odors?
  • Draining slower than before?
  • Making a lot of gurgling sounds or other strange noises?
  • Overdue for a good cleaning?

If the answer was yes to any of these questions, your drains are either clogged partially or entirely. Make sure to reach out to a professional plumbing to get this addressed!

For homeowners who believe that prevention is the best cure, here are some of the best tips for preventing clogs before they become an issue.

5 Tips to Prevent Clogs

1. Use Drain Screens

This seems obvious. However, did you know that most people only use drain screens in their kitchen sink? They’re also necessary for bathtubs and shower drains. Otherwise, hair and other objects go down the drain where they cause clogs. Add a drain screen to your shopping list to improve your drains today.

2. Don’t Overuse Your Garbage Disposal

While it’s convenient for smaller bits and pieces of food that get washed down the drain, the garbage disposal isn’t meant to be a complete solution. Even when ground up by the disposal, food waste can still collect in the pipes and cause a clog. Instead, throw most of your food waste in the trash can, or collect your organic waste to make compost for your garden.

3. Keep FOG Out of the Drain

FOG stands for “fat, oil, and grease,” and it’s one of the biggest culprits when it comes to clogged drains. While FOG can be liquid when it’s hot, it starts to thicken as it cools. Make sure to dispose of cooking oils and grease in a separate container and place it in the trash. Also, run hot water down the drain once in a while to help break up any accumulated FOG.

4. Be Careful What You Flush

The toilet is not a trash can. Even something as small as dental floss can become tangled deep within the pipes and lead to a clog down the line. Restrict flushed items to toilet tissue paper.

5. Schedule Drain Cleaning Services

You can use this either as a clog solution or a preventative measure. After your drains are unclogged, consider setting up an annual or bi-annual maintenance appointment for drain cleaning with an expert. Clean pipes will save you money and headaches in the future.

Clogged drains are inconvenient, but they can also become a severe issue if not taken care of promptly. Scheduled maintenance is the key to maintaining healthy pipes and preventing a potentially catastrophic clog.

These tips can keep clogs to a minimum. But what if you have a problem right now and are looking for professional plumbing services in Springfield, PA? Schedule your appointment with Advanced Drains and Underground Solutions today!

Advanced Drains and Underground Solutions Blog


